It's been a tough couple of weeks and my acne is back. I understand the benefits of a Paleo diet, but it is really hard to switch. Sometimes, I can totally resist - they had food at work for a meeting which was all non-paleo and I didn't eat any. But peanut butter cups in the lab yesterday? No willpower on that one. Cookie dough? No willpower. I've gained a couple pounds, gotten some big pimples and feel lousy. Man, this is hard!
We have a trip in a couple of weeks to Boston for a wedding. My husband plans to go full paleo when we get back. Start a new hard core 30 days of food and exercise. I'm going to completely rid our house of all things non-paleo.
Since baked goods are my downfall and finding alternatives to sandwiches for my kids' lunches is hard, I purchased a new book and am experimenting:
The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook
. After reading parts of the book, she ways that Bob's Almond Flour (which is easy to find in grocery stores) doesn't work well in the recipes. I had already bought some of this, so I decided to use it anyway. I made the chocolate chip cookies (pg. 98), substituting butter for grapeseed oil and honey for agave nectar. They were super moist and taste like honey-chocolate chip cookies. The kids love them. My husband likes them. It's the first cookie that I feel ok eating and that tastes really great. Next, I need to try out her sandwich bread to see if that will make a good substitute.
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