Friday, May 6, 2011

Cookies are my downfall

I keep trying to eat Paleo. I keep trying to figure out how to switch my kids to Paleo. It's Hard. It's just plain hard. The worst thing for me is cookies. Now, this is nothing new... at Christmas time, I would eat tons of cookies. I didn't want anyone to make cookies because I knew I no self control. I also love cookie dough. I'll go to the store, buy pre-made cookie dough and eat. it. all. I simply will eat cookies or dough until I get sick. If my husband has cookies in the house, I make him hide them, so I don't eat them. Funny thing is I find cookies in really funny places now that he's forgotten about.

Giving up cookies to go paleo has been really hard. I thought that I would make some gluten free cookies to get my kids off traditional cookies. I bought 3 different mixes at the local PCC. The first one was not very good and my kids only ate half a cookie each. This was after eating their whole dinner just so they could get said cookie. So, I thought, "ok, I'll take these to work and they'll get eaten up there". Well, let's just say I packed them up for work and they never made it in. My drive isn't even that long. But, I. ate. them. all. I felt horrible (physically) for the rest of the day. You'd think I'd learn.

I tried batch number 2 last night. They were better than batch #1, although they're a bit dry and need milk to go with them. With milk, they're pretty good. But still, they aren't paleo and I shouldn't be eating them.

I think my plan of letting the kids have gluten free cookies is going to have to go out the window. I can't control myself, even if the cookies kinda suck.

I'm itching to go look for a paleo cookie recipe. But do I dare?

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